Saturday, 2 October 2010

Scrap the Girls - October Challenge

The new October Challenge is up at Scrap the Girls.

Here's the Challenge...

Please take inspiration from the following Shakespeare quote…..
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
**Extra criteria - flowers & buttons**

I decided to do a page about Ella's name. Ella means"beautiful fairy girl".
Quite ironic that she loves fairies!
I didn't pick the name for it's meaning, more that I've always loved the name.
Beautiful old name.
After we had named Ella, we found out that my FIL's grandmother's name was Ella.
How about that?

Here's my layout...

Some close-ups...

Be sure to check out the blog.

Chat soon,


Scrapping Down a Lane said...

Ella is a beautiful Fairy Princess thats for sure xxx

sueat17 said...

A beautiful name for a totally beautiful girl! Love those black letters...and the LO is gorgeaous Chelle. xx

melody said...

girl..that is one rawkin lo! i'm so lovin all the cute..and great design and color mix!