Sunday 7 March 2010

Friday Foto

I'm a little late with my friday foto this week.
I have an excuse! A super busy weekend will do it every time.

Last weekend, Jase's side of the family all got together for Grandpa's 65th Birthday. We had a lovely BBQ and we got to catchup with everyone.
It's so nice to just sit and chat.

My niece Mel, has guinea pigs and the girls were a little taken by them.
Millie and Ella were checking everything out.

Meet Nibbles and Cheeky.

Cute, aren't they?
I still can't remember which one is which? LOL
They are very much loved, with and inside and outside enclosure.
My BIL Barrie has custom made(from drawings) a very cool inside enclosure, complete with little house and play area!
Spoilt much?

Chat soon,