"That's not real scrapbooking" I used to think.
But with my kids growing up, way too fast....they are 12 and 9 now...I just don't have the
spare time that I used to have. Sport, Band and lots of before and after school training and band sessions have taken over. Life is crazy at the moment.
So a few months ago, I was in Spotlight and they had a 40% off sale.
I thought "Why not?"...I'll give it a go!
I took it away on a Retreat back in May. I worked away diligently and
can I say I think I am well and truly hooked!
Being a time poor scrapper these days I can get a page done in next to no time.
I can still document my families life, to look back on in years to come and have some
creative time, all for me at the same time. Loving that!
Along with that, I'm trying to have some "me" time each weekend, even if only for a few hours!
I think it's reignited my passion. I needed that!
I'm currently working on everyday moments from our year last year, 2014!
I'm into April already and loving it!
So, I thought I'd share a page with you.
This is the Wedding of my beautiful long time friend, Catherine to her now hubby David.
Catherine and I met way back in 1994, from memory. I was a 3rd Year Hairdressing Apprentice
and she started as our 1st Year Apprentice at Betite Hair Salon. We hit it off immediately and
have been through highs and lows, watched our children grow and get married.
She's a lifetime friend!
Catherine and David got married out in the country in January. It ended being the hottest
day in Jan 2014, with it hitting 43 degrees out there. God, it was hot!
But, it didn't matter...the lovely ceremony by the Lake kept us cool, before a few drinks,
dinner and some dancing. It was a fabulous night to remember.
Really enjoying the process!
Chat soon,