My adorable friend Amanda has nominated me for a Wylde Women Award...Thanks said some lovely things about me, that really touched my heart!!
The Wylde Women Award is for your favorite Wylde Woman blogger. Here are the rules:
1. You can give it to one or one hundred or any number inbetween - it's up to you. Make sure you link to their site in your post.
2. Link back to this blogsite ( (so she can go visit all these wonderful women.
Purpose of the Award: To send love and acknowledgement to women who brighten your day, teach you new things and live their lives fully with generosity and joy.
I nominate:
Leanne - an amazing scrapper, who's clean layouts are awe-inspiring! She's also a good friend whom I see daily!
Lisa - Who's creative flair blows me away each time I visit her blog...Thanks for inspiring me! You are the Paint Master!!
Kayla - A fabulously talented young Aussie scrapper, who looks like she's been doing it for years!! Love her use of colour!!
Tracey - Such a crack-up!! She makes me laugh every time we catch up, and she creates the most amazing work!! You inspire me, girl!!
I can call all these wonderful girls my friends. Thankyou all for hitting my creative nerve!
6 days ago
holy moly - are you kidding? You picked me? That is so cool ... I'm a WYLDE WOMAN !!! (thanks :))
LOL Leanne....yay for all the Wylde Women!!!
So glad you picked Lisa CHelle as I can't get into her blog *STILL* and she's certainly one Wylde woman in my books too!!
yippe thanks for the shout out babe......i love youse wyld chick too!!!!m,wah ...
heheheh amanda ....what
the hell is going on with that ???????please blogger ,let scrapmanda come and play!!!!!!
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