I made it to Round 5!! I was in shock when I read the list last Sunday night!!
So, then onto Round 5's layout...it had to have a non-person pic, a frame, title and journalling.
This is my finished layout.
My sister Kellie took this amazing pic when we went to Daylesford back in April. I loved it, and HAD to scrap it! I titled it Picture Perfect. To me, it's like a postcard...so beautiful. Thanks Kel, for the great shot!
Please vote for me...I need all the help I can get. We are down to 12 very talented scrappers, so it's getting close and at the business end of the competition now!
You can vote between 5pm Friday and 5 pm Sunday...and you can do it here.
We'll see how we go this week!
Onto today's flashback...
THis is a very old photo. It would be early 1978, I think? The baby is my little sister, Kellie and she was born in Nov 1977. I'm the little girl with the pink cardie. I can see both Zac and Ella in me at this age. I would have been about 3 in this pic. The lady holding Kellie is my Great Nana Woodford, my Mum's Nana(her Mum's Mum). I don't really remember her, so this is a treasured old photo.

I'm off to the Gold Coast after school pick up this afternoon. We are meeting up with my cousin, Kylie and her family for a fun weekend. We can't wait!
Some quality time with my cousin!
So I'll fill you in, on the goings on next week!
Have a great weekend!
Chat soon,
Chelle Xx
OMG.... Chelle what a beautiful layout STUNNING xxx
Such a wonderful photo to treasure Chelle xxx your so lucky to have it xxx
Enjoy your weekend xxx
Love that LO!! Great to check out you blog!!
Fran xx
WOW chelle your layout is fantastic and congrats for round 5. I am not surprised for your work is AWESOME!!! I love it!
Congrats on doing so well with Embellished!
Check my blog for a Wyld Woman award ;)
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