Saturday, 15 January 2011

Queensland Scrappers Flood Drive

It's been a hell of a week here in Queensland!

As some of you may know, I put out a call late last week on Facebook for any Aussie Scrappers that could donate to help Queensland Scrappers that had been affected in the floods.
My intial call was  for the areas of Dalby, Chinchilla and Tara in Western Qld.
My Mum, who owns The Stamp Shak came up with the idea for scrap supplies as she has a lot of customers in these towns. Great thinking, Mum!

Having seen the devastating flooding in my very own area now, in Brisbane it seems we may need more donations to also help these Scrappers. From watching footage of the floods up north and out west and then to live through it here with my own family being affected. Luckily my sister and parents escaped flooding in their own homes but it came close. A little too close.
I've lived every emotion with my sister this week and they have been staying with my family.
We've also helped a friend clean her home at Sherwood, after flooding destroyed her home.
My husband and his staff have been out the past 3 days working helping people clean out their homes and businesses. Very sad to see what the floods have done but it really restores my faith in human nature and how we can all come together to get our City back on it's feet.
Makes me proud to be an Aussie and even prouder to be a Queenslander!

How you can help...
Many of these Scrappers have nothing left, so we are asking for anything and everything from your stash. From tools, papers, embellishments, ribbons, etc. Whatever you can spare, be it big or small.

You can then send it to me. Please email me at for my address.

If you know of a Queensland Scrapper that has lost her supplies, you can also email me on the above address and we'll organise something for her!
We'd love to be able to help out as many Scrappers affected by the Floods as we can!


Another way you can help, is through the Rising Waters Flood Appeal for Crafters.
My friend Sharryn Thomson is organising Memory Albums for affected families.
It's a fabulous idea! There's a Facebook Page too, so be sure to check out this wonderful cause too...

I just wanted to thank everyone who has contacted me so far and for being so patient while I help those close to me during this crisis.
For your wonderful donations, I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
 We will certainly put a smile on some faces!
I'd also like to send a very BIG and SPECIAL Thank you to my dear friend Anna from Anna's Craft Cupboard. She's done an amazing job telling her customers about our cause!

Oh and keep the donations coming!!

Chat soon,

1 comment:

Mel said...

Dear Shell, wow what a terrible time it has been with the floods hey, we lost our downstairs but are so fortunate to have had lots of help with cleaning and are now back in the house. I would like to send best wishes to your sister and her family, I can only imagine the devastation.

I want to also thankyou for your beautiful Christmas card, it came at a time when I really needed to see such a wonderful family pic and look forward to catching up with you sometime soon. God bless and thank you for all the help you are doing for the victims over your way. Love Melxx