Monday, 31 January 2011

First Day of School

My kids went back to school last Tuesday, but today was Ella's very first full day of school. She did all half days last week. She had her lunchbox packed brimming full and ate every thing in it!
All very exciting for a 5 yr old, this school thing!
I met her Grade 4 buddy, Claire this morning. They were off to Church for singing and she couldn't wait to get there! LOL
Zac felt every part the big brother with some responsibility and met us up at the Prep Classrooms at 3pm.
He loves having Ella at school and when we drop her at her classroom he heads off to his classroom, but she won't let him go without a kiss and cuddle! LOL So very sweet!

Can you believefor the first time in 7yrs I actually got the groceries done, changed all the sheets on the beds, vaccuumed, mopped, dusted, did 4 loads of washing and had a bank appt that lasted 45mins.
All before I picked the kids up at 3pm? Unheard of.....LOL
In saying that, still feeling a bit weird without my offsider, but I'm sure I'll get used to it!

So, school's back for 2011!

Here's some pics from Day One...

She's loving it!

Chat soon,


Leanne Stamatellos said...

Love the new blog - this is gorgoeus.

As for Miss Ella - she's just growing right before our eyes - such a cutie!

lexie said...

Great photo's Chelle. How can Ella be old enough for school??