Monday, 8 November 2010

Friday Foto

I'm a few days late with my Friday Foto this week.
I was away in Gatton last Thursday to Saturday night at a Art and Craft Show.
It was a great event, with lots of smiling customers!

For anyone who doesn't know where Gatton is, it's about 80km west of Brisbane on the way to Toowoomba, on the Warrego highway.
The heart of SE Qld's Salad bowl. This is where they grow lots of vegies and salad vegies.
I saw a large group harvesting carrots as I was driving into Gatton on Thursday.

So, while driving out I was wondering what I might take as my Friday Foto.
Just past Forest Hill, near Aratula there is a sign. It makes me laugh every time I go past it, right on the side of the highway.

Strange sign huh?
It would be if there wasn't a Sky diving company right across the road.
Many of the skydivers land in the surrounding paddocks near here.

There you go..."People falling above" is my Friday Foto today!

Chat soon,

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