Thursday 26 January 2012

Happy Australia Day

Happy Australia Day!

We don't have much planned for today.
A sleep-in, bacon and eggs for breaky, a movie, a trip to the park later this afternoon
before lamb for dinner! Yum!

We normally catch up with my BIL Scott and his family as it's his Birthday today,
but this year they have gone away camping...we planned to join them for the day
but the weather has been crazy so we decided to spend the day in...together!
So, Happy Birthday Scotty...we're thinking of you!

I love this year's Sam Kekovic ad on TV for Aussie lamb.
As a country girl, we ate tons of lamb as kids.
I still love it now, and so do my family!

In keeping with Australia Day...this years ad was brilliant!
Gave me a good laugh. I wonder what they'll do next year?

Make sure you have some lamb for dinner and keep our Aussie farmers in business!

Chat soon,

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