Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Scrapchat Retreat

My weekend away was great!
I had a wonderful time away with the girls...creating, laughing, telling stories, eating and drinking too much with little sleep. Fabulous fun!

Our theme night this time around was a Toga party. Out came the white sheets and a ton of safety pins. I had to be re-wound in my sheet twice! Now, that was funny!
Always fun having our dress up night.

Here's some of us on the deck.
L-R: Lex, Maz, Manda, me and Gyps.

Our big Retreat group shot.

Here's one of the Challenge's I completed on the weekend.
We had to create a canvas that was inspirational and used a technique we hadn't used before.
I made a patchwork paper base, then white-washed it with white paint. Then I added a heap of splattered paint and glimmer mist, before scrapping my layout on top.
I like how it turned out.

and some close-ups.

I got plenty of layouts done, so I'll share them with you in coming posts.

Chat soon,

1 comment:

Lisa K said...

Looks like fun as always!!!