Friday, 4 June 2010

Friday Foto

A quick post tonight!
I need some shuteye as I have a big market for Chelley Bean on tomorrow!

I've had a big week with preparations for the market, a Trade Show and Awards Night on the Gold Coast for Jase's work and my washing machine was finally fixed after 3 and a half weeks!! Long story... a part for it had to come from the US!
So, I've been madly washing since yesterday trying to catch up a little!

I thought I'd share a pic of Ella and I from this week...
Once I got home from my night away, she found my camera in my handbag...that's where it lives...and we snapped this pic! I love it!

It's also hit Winter here in sunny Queensland!
Been a little chilly here the past week.
What's it like in your part of the world?

Chat soon,

1 comment:

Susan Hurley-Luke said...

The weather is here is pretty much like yours, Chelle. Lol! Have a good day at the markets.

Miss E is growing up you know. Cute pic of the two of you.