We had a storm hit here in Brisbane at lunchtime today. Lots of thunder and lightening and plenty of rain, which was nice. Everything is so dead atm. It might actually green the place up a bit.
Anyway, we were out getting the last of the camping supplies (for an upcoming camping trip) and came home to this guy sitting on our front deck, guarding our front door. Thankfully he was friendly, and yes, it is a HE...Jase had to check for the lady at the RSPCA! LOL
He has obviously been spooked by the storm. He was in quite a state when we got home. Puffing and panting, but he's settled down thankfully. He's quite the eater too...Luckily we don't have to feed him day to day. He has quite the appetite!!
I'm told...by the neighbour over the back fence...that he's a Siberian husky. Quite an expensive dog too, so I'm sure someone is missing him.
He's just beautiful, isn't he??
The kids want to keep him. LOL
Unfortunately he has no collar, no tags...nothing. We have no idea who his owner might be or how to contact them?
So, we rang the Council, then the RSPCA. He's been put on the Found dogs list, and we have had no call as yet. Let's hope they find his owner soon.
If he's still here in the morning, someone will come and get him. They were all run off their feet today, and just couldn't fit in another pickup.
I must say what a fabulous job the RSPCA and the Council do in trying to find their homes. Both ladies I spoke to were very helpful and the hotlines are run by the council and volunteers 24 hrs a day/7 days a week. Pretty amazing hey??
Poor bloke...let's hope we find his home soon.
Chat soon,
Yes, indeed - he looks like a Siberian Husky - they have lovely blue eyes, and they are used for sled dogs. They love the snow and cold, and would rarely be found indoors. Basically, they are a working dog, not a lap dog! LOL!!
You've got a lovely guest - enjoy him while you've got the chance!
Judy H.
New Brunswick, Canada
Don't hand him over to the RSPCA or the pund. They will give him a short time to be sold and then kill him.
Also, if his owners are found they will be presented with a huge bill that most people cnnot afford to pay.
If possible keep him and just charge the owners for his food.
Have you tried asking local radio tv and newspapers to put out a found on him?
And tried ringing the local vets?
RSPCA and pound don't always keep proper details and people who have lost animals have found them by the skin of their teeth just before kill date after being told they were not in the shelter.
Would you believe exactly the same thing happened her at midnight one New Years Eve a few years ago - it was the same breed of dog! he was a Siberian Husky and stayed with us about a week, while we put notices up everywhere - and happily his owners found us and all was good :)
I chose to keep him here as I worry the RSPCA have a ticking clock. We did the same last year when a cat turned up: he stayed about a month, before his owner recognised him in the fliers - she had given him to friends two years before and he had been missing from their home for six months!
We used to have one, his name was Bully but he was anything but that! I so envy you, even if it's for a while. This is one beauty! I agree with the others, RSPCA might not keep him long. Hope you find hiw owner soon.
Awwww how cute. Looks a little more like an alaskan malamute though - Mum has one and we argued with someone about the differences between the two rofl... I hope they find his home!!
Aw thats sad, I have a Siberian Husky exactly like that one! Only ours is a She named Molly. And she too gets VERY scared of storms. We bring her in the garage tho when it looks like rain.
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