Here's what I got up to...
A page about the Creative Genius of my friend, Lou!
Ella and Daddy
This layout was for the Sketch Challenge over at Scrapchat this month.
Me and my little sis, Kellie!
And the Card Sketch over at Scrapchat.
Today I have spent the morning organising my Tax stuff, ready for the Accountant on exciting??
Then we headed down the park. Zac has hit a milestone...He can ride his bike WITHOUT the training wheels...very exciting for a 5 yr old!! I pushed the stroller, as Ella told me she was too lazy to walk! LOL While Daddy ran along side Zac just in case he fell off. A quick kick of the Soccer ball and the footy, then we headed home for a rest. I added a few finishing touches to my layouts from yesterday, while the kids played outside.
A lovely weekend in all. How was yours?
Chat soon,
Chelle Xx
looks like some great layouts here Michelle - bet you had a great time last night.
Great LO's & please to hear you had a great weekend!
Love that mud pie pic!! Cute !!
LOOKIN' F.I.N.E. chickie... I am REALLY liking all your work of late! Well, I've always "liked" it but lately you have really stepped it up a notch I reckon... Mmmmmm... is that a shortlist phone I hear ringing in the background? ;)
Glad you enjoyed the Guide Crop! Thanks for your support! Love your LO's and that card is stunning!
Great seeing you on Saturday Chelle. Awesome for Zac what a big boy!
come check out my blog..nominated you for a prize
Beautiful Layouts Chelle xxx Love love all of them sweet xxx
Happy Scrapping xxx oh and Go GO GO for the Idol comp at the Embellish site xxx
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